Monday, July 27, 2009

Delicious and Healthy steam fish in 30minutes

Siakap -1 big fish
White carrot - 1
Garlic -1 clove
Coriander leaves -1 handful

Marinate the fish with light soy sos and dark caramel sos. If you like you can add also a drop of oyster sos. You can marinate for about 30minutes.

First cut the white carrots into small cubes and then fry them in low fire. Fry until it turns light brown then remove from the pan.

Use a steamer to steam the fish. Garnish the fish with garlic and the fried white carrots. Steam for about 20 to 30minutes. You can check by piercing a fork into the fish to check if the fish is cooked.

Once the fish is cooked garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is too much sugar bad for your skin ?

Do you have sweet tooth? It has been reported that about 70% population of the people in Asia loves sugary stuff. As a result of this there are more people who are suffering from diabetes in Asia.

Recent studies shows that there has been lots of evident that sugar not only damages our health but also causes one to age faster than usual. This is because when someone consumes too much sweet stuff then your body actually needs, your body's natural process of glycation speeds up.This is when the excess of sugar elements and protein molecules combines and causes damage to the collagen.

In a recent research conducted by Paul J.Beisswenger, MD, a diabetes researcher and a Medical School professor, he ruled out that collagen damage can make your skin less elastic, more easily wrinkled and more vulnerable to sun damage.

This is why it has been often said that those who have a sweet tooth may not have a wrinkle-free face. The reason behind this is because of the clogging of the excess of sugar causes damage to the collagen and elastin proteins which are responsible to protect our skin from brittleness and dullness.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to lose weight in a healthy way?

Do you often hear those who are skinny saying that the eat a lot but they have slim frame. Research shows that water can help you lose weight. One of the ways are by consuming foods that are reach in water like cabbages, grapes, lettuce, radish, spinach, cauliflower. It has also been documented that frequent drinking of cabbage juices also helps in obesity.

In a recent study conducted at the University of Tokyo, it was reported that women who ate high water content foods had lower body mass indexed and smaller waistlines! This is due to the fact that each of this food contains at least about 90% water. The secret to the weight loss id because the water contained in these foods actually fills you up and as a result you will eat less.

The Sri-lankan’s believe that by adding dried ginger in our daily food helps to burn our body fat. It is quite easy to add ginger to our daily cooking. You should buy dried ginger and blend it fine into a powder form and then store in a air-tight container.You should add 1 tablespoon of this dried ginger in your cooking. You can also take 1 teaspoon adding it to warm water and drink this juice.

You should also cultivate the habit to do stretching for at least 20 minutes and also running on the treadmill or any other exercise machine for about 30minutes.If you do not have access to exercise machines, you can also go for brisk walking for about 45minutes. Other rules that must be observed are that you should try to exercise at least about 40minutes, this is because studies shows that you will start burning fats after 30minutes of exercising.

In India many research has been conducted on 'horse gram' or 'kolu' in tamil and they concluded that this grain helps one to lose weight. Take about 1 table spoon of this horse gram and then boil in 1 1/2 cup of water.You must drink the water and eat the horse gram on a empty stomach daily in the morning before eating breakfast. Make sure you give an interval for about 2 hours before you consume your breakfast.

Studies also shows those who consume hot beverages like tea and coffee tend to put on more weight.The better way to enjoy this beverages are by just consuming with milk and without any sugar. This is because sugar contains more fat calories that causes one to put on weight easily. You should reduce your intake of coffee or tea to 2 cups only per day. You should not consume carbonated and alcohol drinks which is also the lead factor in obesity.

Benefits of Juice-fasting

Juice-fasting is very popular among the Indians since ancient times. For the Indians, they practice fasting very frequently for spiritual purposes or to de-stress their mind and body.

On the other hand, juice fasting also helps one to detoxify and lose weight. The conservative method is to consume juices for a period of about 21 days to detoxify your body and should not eat any other food or drinks. Nonetheless now there has been lots of research conducted on juice-fasting since it has been reported that it may cure various disease if practiced strictly under the guidance of an expert in this field.

There are few effective methods that I have been practicing for along time:
On the first 3 days you should take about 250ml of juices five times at the interval of three hours. Hence the total quantity of juices to be taken on the first 3 days will be 1250ml. Then increase the amount of juices on the 4th day till 6th day gradually to 300ml of juices five times starting from 7.30 in the morning and the last should be about 7.30pm in the evening.

Once your body has adjusted to the juices, you can slowly increase the quantity everyday from the 7th day onwards. This means from the 7th day onwards you can increase the quantity of juices to 350ml and on the 8th days to 400ml and so on till 21 days. If you feel bloatedness in the stomach, it means that the quantity of juices taken is more than required. In such scenario, the amount of the juices should be slowly decreased.

It is safe to consume this juice-fasting for 21 days or till about 1 month. One word for caution, you may also experience dizziness, headache, stomach ache or body ache while practicing this juice-fasting. This is because the juices are actually detoxifying your body hence it will eliminate the toxic elements in our body.

The golden rule that must be observed by everyone during juice fasting are that one should be completely relaxed and calm to be able to get the full benefit from this programme.

The best time to observe this juice fasting is when you are away from all kinds of stressful work. One should also avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, tea or coffee during this period. You should only indulge in yoga and meditation to be able to get the full benefit from the juice-fasting.

Once you have successfully completed the 21days of juice-fasting, you must break the fast slowly by decreasing the amount of juice to three times a day and then to consume fruits like banana and papaya with a glass of milk. Then on the second day you can start eating moong dhall (green lentils) cooked with any vegetables. You must boil the moong dhall and vegetables. Please refer to my previous posting on July 13, 2009 on how to cook healthy moong dhall.

Try not to use oil in your cooking temporarily since your body needs time to digest after a long period of juice fasting. Try not to eat excessive spicy food right after you have completed your juice fasting. This is because your body may not be able to digest too much food and may cause you to have stomach disorder or vomiting symptoms. This is why you must gradually increase you food to allow your body to digest the food.

If you are doing juice-fasting to cure any particular disease then you should consult an expert practitioner.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Does exercise protect your vision?

There has been a recent study published in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, research conducted on runners has revealed that the incidence of age-related macular degeneration (also known as “AMD”), a condition that can lead to a severely impaired vision, was lowest in runnest who ran up the most miles.

In this research, men and women who ran an average of between 1.2 a 2.5 miles per day had a 19 percent lower risk of having “AMD”. In comparison to those who ran more than 2.4 miles per day had between 40 % to 50 % lower risk.

Now you must be thinking you need to run in order to have a lower risk of AMD. You don't have to do that. It has been reported that daily moderate exercises does help to prevent vision loss. You can also practise yoga asana's to improve your vision and relaxed tired eyes. Try learning from a experienced yoga guru on how to protect your eyes.

Another good habit that must be cultivated by everyone is to consume carrot juice daily and we should also eat nuts like almonds, sunflower seeds since it helps to protect our eyes from losing its vision.

On the other hand, Indians all around the world protect their eyes by consuming joyweed soup or juice once weekly to maintain their eyesight. It has been said by a known yogi that if one is able to consume the juice of the joyweed leaves continuosly for about 48 days, they will be able to gain their loss eyesight and may not have to wear glasses anymore!

Healthy 'Indian Rasam' Recipe

How to prepare a healthy rasam

'Rasam' is of the most nutritious meal and an antioxidant dish which is consumed by Indians all around the world daily in their meals. This meal helps to remove unnecessary gas, acidic and also neutralizes our stomach acidity. Rasam also heals excessive heat and wind in our system. Thus it helps to cure gastric problems.

Garlic - 3
Onions - 2
Cumin seeds - 1tsp
Fennel seeds - 1tsp
Coriander seeds - 1tsp
Curry Leaves - 1tbsp
Black Pepper seeds - 1tsp
mustard seeds - 1tbsp
Turmeric - 1tsp
Horse gram ("Kollu")- 1sp
Red dry chili- 2
Asiatic Pennyworth leaves("Valarai")-10g(optional)
Joyweed leaves ("Ponangani")-10g(optional)
Coriander leaves- 1 handful

Step 1: The core ingredients to prepare rasam is to pound coriander seeds, black pepper seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, garlic and onion. Add turmeric powder and horse gram. Now bring all this to boil under medium heat.

Step 2: Then on a separate pan, use little sesame oil and fry mustard seeds, curry
leaves and dry chili and add this into the boiling ingredients in step 1
(Be cautious don’t be frighten by the light explosion of the mustard seeds.

Step 3 Lastly add coriander leave, Asiatic pennyworth leaves or joyweed leaves to the pan.Switch off the fire.Just stir about 2-3 minutes.

Note :You should not overcook the pennyworth, joyweed leaves as a its nutritios will be lost if overcooked.

It only takes about ten minutes to prepare this healthy dish. You can refrigerate the balance up to five days.

The Indians normally practice eating the ‘rasam’ after eating the main meal to remove acidic in their consumed meals. It is often known as a 'healing food' for the Indians.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Menopausal women may be at high risk of cardiac problems

A study was conducted to more than 5,000 menopausal women found that the 50 percent who suffered from flushing and 50 percent suffered from night sweats were more likely to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure and to be overweight, which put them on a higher risk of having heart disease.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should take steps to reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure and lose weight before menopause begins.

Those who have already finished menopause should have a monthly cardiac checkup and you should consult your doctor to advise you on your diet and lifestyle to keep your heart healthy.

On another study it was noted that women who go through menopause quickly may develop atherosclerosis more rapidly. It was also concluded based on a recent published study of women with no coronary artery disease before menopause found that those who have gone through menopause within two to three years have developed more plaque in their coronary arteries than those who took longer to make the transition.

These women should also be examined for other risk factors that may aggravate the coronary artery disease condition. Nonetheless one has to also bear in your mind that early menopause before the age of 50 also increases the risk of heart disease.

Traditional Indian home remedy that has been used ancient times to protect our heart includes consuming the juice from the lotus flower which is effective in healing heart related problems. You must boil the petals of the red lotus flower and drink the juice daily to strengthen your heart. The root of the petal flower are also edible. As for Asian Indians, we use the lotus flower to prepare spicy curry and we also fry the root of the lotus plant and we add into the curry or dal with vegetables. You can also stir fry the roots with celery and other vegetables.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


This is a sri-lankan recipe which is prepared for those who have undergone an operation. It is a very simple and easy recipe.If it is consumed daily be the ailing patient, it will help them to recover much faster due to the healing abilities in the spices

Cumin seeds - 2tbsp

Turmeric Powder -2tbsp

Black Pepper Seeds (You can also substitute with black peppercorns)-2tbsp

Coriander seeds-2tbsp

Kampung Chicken meat (free range chicken) or Scaled Fish

water - 1 cup

cashew nuts -1tbsp (optional)

Yogurt -1/2 cup (optional)

Step 1
First pound the cumin seeds, turmeric powder, black pepper seeds and coriander seeds.

Step 2
Then blend all the ingredients in step 1 with adding little water until it is smooth.If you do not like rough textures you can sift to remove the remainder
of spices which did not blend.

Step 3
Now bring this to the pan and boil it.

Step 4
Add the chicken meat or fish.Close the lid of the pan and let it cook for a
about 15-20 minutes in medium heat.

(Note:You can also boil the chicken separately, and add the blended spices
into the boiled chicken and cook it under low heat. (Do not throw the throw
the water which is used to boil the chicken since all the nutrition in
chicken will be absorbed by the water)

Step 5
Stir the curry to check if the chicken meat or fish meat till its cooked
well. If you like, you can also add some cashew nuts.

Step 6
Lastly add 1/2 cup of yogurt.

Now remove from the pan and serve hot with rice.

Tips:You can also add a little curry powder or paprika if you want to have a more hot flavour to your curry.


Healthy juice recipes for various disease

If you are suffering from diabetes or if you have family history of diabetes, take this juice:

a) Blend 4-5 small bitter gourd and extract its juice and drink it every 3 days.
But do not drink it daily!

Diabetic is also advised to consume juices of fenugreek seeds or powder daily to
reduce sugar in their blood.

This has been proven to reduce sugar in your blood. In certain countries diabetic
patients are advised to take 2 tablespoon of fenugreek powder (also known as
“vendeyam” in tamil) on a empty stomach daily in the morning to reduce formation
of sugar in their blood.

b) Also soak about 2-3 lady fingers overnight and then drink this juice to help
reduce increase of insulin level in the body.

If you are suffering from obesity:
a) Take one whole cabbage, extract and drink the juice.

b) Extract the juice of lemon and honey

c) Extract the juice of old ginger and lime

If you suffering from cholesterol:
a) Blend juices of 2 cucumber, 1 apple and 1 celery;

If you an anaemic or having less blood counts:
a) Extract the juice of beetroot and dirnk it.

If you want to remove excess of wastages and toxin from the body:
a) Extract the juice of carrot, ginger and apple

b) Extrat the juices of capsicum, orange, green apple, celery and beetroot

If you want to improve your skin texture:
a) Extract the juices of papaya, pineapple and milk and drink it.

b) Extract the juices of tomato, carrot and green apples

c) Extract the juices of kiwi, apples and cucumber

d) Extract the juices of tomato, cucumber, green apples, capsicum

Hope you enjoy this refreshing juices daily!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


There are plenty of food which helps to heal patients who have just undergone an operation.

For Indians, we have been taught by our forefathers that eating sore fish or 'fin' soup heals the wound faster.I always remember that my grandmother and my mother would prepare delicious sore fish curry for those who have gone for a surgery.

i will post the recipe in my next post.

Other foods that heal wound are by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Good fruits such as guava which is rich in Vitamin C and papayas which has healing enzymes to help the wound to heal faster.

Doctors also advise their patients to consume fruits juices to heal their wound. This is because fruit juices travels directly to the desired cells of the body parts compared to when we eat the fruits as a whole.

Another remedy for these patients to drink boiled water to flush all toxins from their body. Everyone should drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water daily

A very important fruit that must be consumed by a heart patient who had a heart attack and who has just undergone a surgery is the kiwi fruit. This is because kiwi fruit contains high level of Vitamin C and the the nutritional values in the kiwi fruit provides strength and helps to restore a weak immune system.

This fruit can also be consumed by an ailing elderly patients and also to patients who have been ill for a long time.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Coconut s a very important fruit to the Indians. The use coconut daily to worship god and as well as its fruit is used as a offerings by the priest.

Coconut has a lot of medicinal values.

I would like to share my knowledge on the goodness in consuming coconut water. If you are suffering from high fever, it has been said that by consuming a young Coconut water it will reduce your high temperature immediately.

Coconut water also helps to cool your body.Those who have increased body heat, should consume this coconut water to bring down your body temperature.
It is very good to drink this especially during hot climate.

However it is often said that we should drink this during rainy days and those who are having cold.This is because its cooling effect may worsen your situation.

Young coconut water is also recommended to pregnant mother because it is believed to have healing properties to protect the baby from getting jaundice when the baby is born. Further it is also helps to reduce the body temperature for pregnant women especially during their third trimester which is about seven months and above.

In Asian countries, the chinese believe that if a pregnant mother consumes coconut water, it helps the baby to have a smooth and beautiful skin. However, the elderly people always advise pregnant mothers to consume this coconut water before noon.
In Asian countries, pregnant mothers are advised to drink this cooling fruit before noon when the wheather is still hot. It is believed that if you consume this in the evening when the day is cooler, the pregnant mother my experience back ache or other joint pains due to the cooling effect on the body.

The Indians also use this coconut water to feed those who have chicken pox to cool their system. I still remember when I has chicken pox my grandmother made all of us to drink young coconut water to reduce our body temperature.

It has been reported that young coconut water also helps to reduce body heat and also to cure urinary infections.

In India everyone drinks coconut everyday since it has many medicinal benefit.

Changing bad eating and drinking habits!

Do you always find it difficult to kick bad eating and drinking habits?

If yes, then what you should do is to try to cultivate new habits.One of the easiest way is to remove junks, sweets, chocolates from being stored in our house.Studies shows that those who always store this fattening and dangerous items always end up eating them.

Try storing good foods like nuts such as cashew nuts,almonds, sunflower seeds, pistachio.All this a wonderful food helps to protect our skin because it contains lot of Vitamin E.

Everyone should also change their drinking habits.We should also try not to drink too many cold beverages. This is because it cold drink increases body heat and causes unnecessary gas formation and as a result contributes to stomach bloatedness.

Too much of carbonated drinks, alcohol and coffee also increases body heat as we live in a hot climate. It is best if we could practice new habits like preparing our own healthy beverages which provides lots of benefits to us.

One of the healthy drinks a barley and pandan drink. Too make a healthy barley drink is very simple. One has to soak the barley overnight and then boil the barley and add brown sugar. On the other hand, to prepare pandan leaves, all that you need is to extract a fresh pandan leaves from your garden, clean it and then boil it with little brown sugar.

Barley helps to clean our body toxic and has the power to reduce heat from our body.This is why barley if often prescribed to those who always have heaty body.

In Ayurveda tradition pandan drink is often recommended to help patient reduce their cholesterol in their body, to reduce their weight and also to assist in increasing the patients blood flow.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Malawi dhal (lentils) : 4tbsp
(soaked it in water for about 5hours)
Carrots - 1
White carrot – 1
Curry leaves- 10 leaves
Cumin seeds 1tbsp
Moong dhall -1tsp
(soaked in water for about 5hours)
Onions- 1
Garlic – 10g
Ginger -10g
drumstick -10g
tomato -2
Curd milk- 1/2cup (yogurt)
Baba's sambar powder (optional)

Step 1:
In a pan boil the soaked Malawi dhall lentils till it is soft. Then add in slices of carrot, white carrot, drumstick vegetable (“murugakke”), tomatoes, brinjal. Cook all for about 10 minutes.

Step 2:
Heat up oil in the wok and fry mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, dry red chillies, fenugreeks seeds, onions, garlic and ginger till it browns.

Then pour this ingredients into the mixture in Step 1.

Now add 1 1/2 tbsp of Baba’s Sambar Powder(or you can use other brands)

Add about 1 tsp salt.

Then add curd milk or also known as ‘tairu’ and cook for about 5 minutes.
Serve hot with rice.

Please read my earlier postings to learn more about the goodness of eating lentils and spices.

How to heal boils

Do you frequently suffer from boils. Try this proven and effective home remedies.

First take 2 big onions and fry them in the pan without using any oil. Add about 2tsp of turmeric and fry till it turns brown. Now apply this paste to the boils. The boils will automatically ripe and then it would fall off within 1-2 days.

Another method is to boil seven pieces of neem leaves and then after it has cool down, you must blend it and refrigerate the paste of neem leaves. Then apply the neem paste on the boils. The neem leaves has the capacity to kill the bacterias and heal the boil. After applying the said neem leaves for about 45 minutes, then you should wash away the paste. Try applying the paste about three times in a day.You will see the difference on the second day.

In ayurvedic studies, it has been said that even cold milk applied on the boil can help to heal it. Take a cotton wool and then dip into the cold milk and now apply on the boils. You may see the difference within 24 hours. The boils will reduce because of the protein contained in the milk.

Another easy home remedy is to use turmeric powder and procure the juice from the ginger. Now mix the turmeric and the ginger juice and apply on the boils. You will notice the puss will subside and the boils will go off.


It has been years since people are suffering from diabetic. Scientist is still finding a cure to treat this disease which in increasing all around the world. Many studies are being done and one of the homeopathy practitioner has said that the main culprit of this disease is due to wrong introduction of food to kids since childhood. Parents often make mistakes by praising their kids who have excelled in school by buying them boxes of chocolates or sweets. This habit must be changes. We can always buy them story books or buy toys for our children but not sugary items which is only detrimental to their health.

It has been evident where parents who bring up their kids buying them chocolates, ice-creams, sweets, caramel biscuits always end up maintaining this same lifestyle as they grow up. Hence we must banish this habit of buying sweet things all the times to our children. They kids can eat chocolates and sweets but should be done in moderation.

Diabetic patients must eat good fiber foods that are rich in protein. One of the easy home remedies to reduce sugar in your blood, is to soak about one handful of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and then consume it the next day. It has been reported those who practiced this habit has reduced their blood sugar level on the next day. Other good vegetables that aids to reduce sugar in the body is to consume drumstick leaves and lady fingers.

In India, the Siddha Medicine Practitioners who are knowledge that have been written and passed down 2000 years ago have stated that another miracle flour is the ‘Ragi Flour (Finger Millet flour) or also known as the ‘kelvaraghu flour’ which is highly recommended for diabetic patients. This flour not only helps to reduce your sugar content in your blood but it also acts to prevent the sugar from raising up.
Normally this flour is cooked to make ‘puttu’ or sweet ‘appam’. When cooking puttu, you should add ’karupatthe’, suku, cumin powder, curry leaves. All this ingredients enhances its nutrition value as well as the taste so that people would enjoy the meal.

Other vegetables that are good for diabetic is stinky beans or also known as ‘petai’ in malay language. Normally this stinky bean is cooked with prawns and fish.

Diabetic patients should also indulge in a lot of physical activities and should do a lot of exercise. They should also try to do yoga asana which helps to reduce numbness and reduces sugar in the blood. They should also do breathing exercises to activate their body cells and regenerate their pancreas. Deed breathing exercise helps to activate all the cells in our body. This why yoga is often recommended to diabetic patients.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Lentils are grains that are rich in Vitamin E which very essential for the formation of our healthy skin. Lentils have the properties to heal melamine formation and also to balance our skin tone and heals any damages skin.

There are different types of lentils. Most of the Indian households cook dhall very frequently in a week. This is one of their favourite dishes which is prepared to be consumed with rice or chapati.

The most important aspect that everyone must know is what they type of lentils that they have been eating, and you must check whether it is good for their body.
For example those who have lots of wind in their body, should avoid eating Australian Dhal. This is because there has been a lot of experiment conducted and it has been reported that those who consume this Australian Dhal tend to have knee pain and having too much of gas which caused havoc to their stomach.

Hence everyone must get the knowledge of how to overcome this problem, especially when you are consuming this meal daily in your home.

In India people are so poor that they eat only rice with dhall daily or just with raw onions and chilies.

The better lentils are Malawi Dhal, Mysore Dhal and Moong Dhall which contains lots of nutrition and has lots of goodness for those who consume them.

It has been said in India, the Ayurveda practitioners recommend their patients to consume Moong Dhall twice day in soup or eaten as a curry because helps to remove gas or ‘pitta’ in the body. This is because the gas causes the patient to have gastric problems, stomach bloatedness and leg pain. This dhall not only helps to reduce the wind your body, but also helps to cool down the body and improves one’s eyesight.

In certain countries where those who are unable to find this Moong Dhall you can also buy Malawi and Mysore Dhall which also has its own benefits.

However those who prefer to ear Thuvar Dhall or also known as ‘Thuvarum Paruppu” should add lots of cumin seeds, garlic, ginger, asafetida to remove the gas in the said dhall.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Are you aging?

Most elderly citizens who aren't living with a serious illness feel young at heart, on a average about 18 years younger.

In a recent survey reported on the 'Journals of Gerontology Series B:psychological Sciences and Social Sciences', that the respondents thought they look younger too by about 7 years.

The researches concluded that the main reason for this is due to a positive self-image potrayed by these respondents.

Is it true if we able to think only positive thoughts daily, we would definately chase the negative vampires away and we would life a healthy long life.

Goodness of Cumin Seeds

I am very convinced in most indian household we would store cumin seeds, which is an essential spice used in cooking.

What are ‘cumins’ or also known as ‘jeera’ in hindi or ‘shiregam’ in tamil.

There lots of benefits in consuming this cumin. It has been reported in the Journal of the American Chemical Society that the main ingredient in cumin improves one’s cells’ resistance to infection and cancer by changing the physical structure of the membrane cell itself.

It has been documented that the researchers at the University of Michigan used a technique known as solid –state NMR (“NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE’) spectroscopy to view actions of molecules in the membrane cell.

The same researches are also studying at the effects of curcumin on the formation of amyloid plaques (protein clumps) which are typically found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How to have a stress free life

Everyday we are rushing to work, rushing to fetch our kids, rushing to catch the train....How may of us actually take time to breath. Below are a few breathing techniques that you should include in your daily schedules:

a)Try taking long, slow, deep breaths and inhaling as much as air as you can.One of the secret that i have learned is to breath deep from your stomach and then relax your nerves while you're breathing,

b)We must try to observe our body how it is reacting and you need to concentrate wherever you feel tightness, you must try to alleviate it .The rule is if you relax your stomach then you would have automatically relaxed your brain. This is when those pesky daily stresses start to disappear, and your perspective will naturally start to change.

c)Constantly think positively:According to studies, there are things that make people feel alive and things that make people feel dead.A form of dead example would negative emotions such nervous, anxiety, discomfort, while emotions like 'happiness and love' makes you feel alive.

If you able to master all this three steps, you would start feeling calmer.
"When you meditate, you become less anxious and you start surrendering the things that are not important".

Releasing tension or 'stressful thoughts' does wonders to tone your mind and help you stay calm. Remember stress is another word for tension.

Try to practise the above tips to lead a stress free life.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Indian Chicken Curry With Yogurt

I love yogurt. So i created a new recipe using yogurt instead of the traditional coconut milk.

1/2 chicken

2 dry red chili

2 green chili

2 shallots

2 twig curry leaves

1 whole garlic

1 ginger

2 tbs cumin seeds

2 tbsp coriander powder

1 tbsp fenugreek seeds

2 tbsp cashew nuts

2 tbsp almonds

1 cup of yogurt (You can also add sour cream)

1 lime

a)Mix pieces of chicken with yogurt and salt.Marinate for about 1-2hours.
Tips:By marinating with yogurt, its softens the chicken meat.

b)Then blend dry red chillies, shallots, garlic, ginger, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, coriander powder and almonds.

Now using little oil, fry curry leaves and cardamon for about 3minutes.Then add ingredients in b.Cook for about 5-8minutes till you get the fragrant.Now add the marinated chickens and mix well. Then add the cashew nuts. Close the lid and let the chicken cook until the gravy thickens.Lastly squeeze 1 lime and mix well.

Tips: You may add 3tbsp of chili powder or you can double the dry chillies if you want it to be more spicy.

Tips :If you like the curry to be sour you can also add 1/4 tamarind juice or lime to enhance the flavour.

This food is delicious to be served with chapati.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Benefits of eating Yogurt

I would like to share the goodness of eating yogurt in our daily meals.

What are yogurts?

Yogurts come from milk. Yogurt is milk that are cultured with active cultures such as Lactobacillus and H.pylori. It contains good bacteria that protects our body from harmful bacterias that causes disease. Yogurt contains probiotic which are good bacteria that balances the organism in our intestines and directly protects our digestive and immune system.

Yogurt has a high quantity of calcium and Vitamin D which is important to build strong bones. It also contains active cultures that helps with 'gastrointestinal' problems. It helps to prevent colon cancer, gastric problems and bowel disease. One can also take yogurt in other liquid forms such as Nestle Lemon Lime, Peach, Lychee and Strawberry Yogurt drink. One should look out for low fat or fat free or reduced fat or 99% fat free yogurts. One should also check the quantity of sugar as well as type of live cultures. Do not buy those with high fructose syrup or trans fat.

It also helps those who are lactose intolerant or are allergic to dairy products. Yogurt may be an alternative food for these people. Yogurt contains lactose and digestive enzymes that have been cultured to protect the digestive system.

Yogurt also helps to fight urinary tract infection(UTI. This candida or yeast infection normally causeS itchiness and if left untreated can lead to bigger problems. One of the easiest remedy is to take yogurt drinks and eat yogurts which contain active cultures. Some of the popular brands are nestle and dutch lady. A diabetic patient is prone to have frequent vaginal infections. It has been documented that diabetic patients who ate yogurts with active cultures have seen significant changes in their pH level ie their pH level has dropped from 7.0 to 4.0.

Daily consumption of yogurt also fights cholesterol in our body. In recent studies it has been documented that eating yogurt helps to lower bad cholesterol(LDL) and its raises good cholesterol (HDL).

In the book "Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism) by Fabian E, an experiment was carried our against women who consumed probiotic yogurt and pure yogurt(without being cultured). The observation was that women who consumed the probiotice yogurt had significant level of good cholesterol(HDL) being raised and the amount of bad cholesterol(LDL)being decreased successfully. Those women who consumed pure yogurt also was reported that their level of LDL cholesterol has been decreased however their HDL cholesterol did not go up.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Easy Ladna Noddle Recipe

Egg Noddles (3 Packet)
Garlic 5
Ginger 1
Red Chili' 2
Baby Kailan 100g
Squid 10g
Prawns 10g
Chicken cut into small pieces 50g
Fish cake 10g
Spring Onion 10g
Cornflour 1/2cup
Caramel sos
Coriander leaves 10g

Step 1 First blend the garlic, ginger and green chillies. Fry them using very little oil.Remove from the pan.
Step 2 Now fry chicken, squid and prawn, remove from the pan.
Step 3 Then,lightly saute baby kailan and capsicum for about 3 minutes and then remove it.

Now add more water into the pan, add thick caramel sos and then add a cup of cornflour mixture. Cook until the gravy thickens. Switch off the fire. Add ingredients in step 1, 2 and 3. Lastly garnish the noodles with coriander leaves, chillies, spring onion. Add salt and pepper.

tips: Make sure put the egg noodles in the bowl then only pour the gravy on it.Try not to add the noodles into the pan together with the gravy because it may become too soggy. It tastes better if you put the noodles on the bowl then pour the gravy over them .
You can use substitute all kinds of vegetables, sometimes if there is no kailan, I would use other green vegetables such as 'sawi'or lettuce.You can also add broccoli , carrots, capsicum and mushrooms if you want your kids to have more vegetables in their meals.

My husband and myself love this noodle.I cook this meal twice a week.

Comments are welcomed.