Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How to have a stress free life

Everyday we are rushing to work, rushing to fetch our kids, rushing to catch the train....How may of us actually take time to breath. Below are a few breathing techniques that you should include in your daily schedules:

a)Try taking long, slow, deep breaths and inhaling as much as air as you can.One of the secret that i have learned is to breath deep from your stomach and then relax your nerves while you're breathing,

b)We must try to observe our body how it is reacting and you need to concentrate wherever you feel tightness, you must try to alleviate it .The rule is if you relax your stomach then you would have automatically relaxed your brain. This is when those pesky daily stresses start to disappear, and your perspective will naturally start to change.

c)Constantly think positively:According to studies, there are things that make people feel alive and things that make people feel dead.A form of dead example would negative emotions such nervous, anxiety, discomfort, while emotions like 'happiness and love' makes you feel alive.

If you able to master all this three steps, you would start feeling calmer.
"When you meditate, you become less anxious and you start surrendering the things that are not important".

Releasing tension or 'stressful thoughts' does wonders to tone your mind and help you stay calm. Remember stress is another word for tension.

Try to practise the above tips to lead a stress free life.

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