Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My life experiences with my newborn baby..

I am proud mother of a one year old baby. I would like to share my experience as a new mother in this world.I work full time so i sent my baby to my parents house and normally fetch her in the evenings. I have this guilt haunting me all the time that i am not spending quality time with my baby? You may ask why the guilt? It is a norm for many working mothers who rush home to see their baby!But the real question is do we actually spend that time with our child. What i mean is many of us choose to sit in front of the tv while holding our child. I need to confess, yes I do this sometimes.But i always discipline myself, i only watch one movie with my baby and then i will spend time reading nursery books, picture books and animal kingdom.I have introduced book to my child since she was 6 months old baby. She loves reading. At times when i am watching my favourite movie, i would just put her near me and I would surround her with her baby books and she would open the book touching with her little cute fingers, feeling the texture of the page and she will try to run through the pages looking at the pictures.Its really cute watching them......

I also take her for a walk near the poolside as well as the playground.I could feel the happiness in her face when she looks at other children.Its really amazing. Children just love socialising! She loves water.she tries to pull me towards the pool and there she goes splashing and playing with the pool water.

I have also taught her many gestures and hand movements. She was very quick learner. She is able to learn and respond to you within a day..It is so much of joy to see your baby playing, laughing.................motherhood is god's greatest gift to me.Thank you god!

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