Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How to have more money?

Many of us suffer from financial problem whether it is recession or not MONEY is always thought as a problem. It's not bad or good. It just does its purpose. The main core problem is people perceive money as an evil.

All of us often see money as evil, no good but we still need it. We give so much negative energy to money, therefore it appears in our life as we see it, limited and scare.As the law says what your mind perceive is what you get.

Remove your fears about money and you'll see how money will come to you.

If you keep hating it, it will be very difficult to come. Remember if you keep thinking of a debt ,,you will attract more of the same issues.The best is have a open mind,always visualise you have abundance of money (even if you don't have) and just keep doing, guess what more money will pour into your life !Money would start working for you,you would be getting paid, you may suddenly get a part time job and etc.Remember the law of attraction says what you think of most of the time, you will manifest that.SO if you keep thinking that you have abundance, you will instantly attract more abundance.This is so true!I have personally experience drastic changes in my life when I start appreciating money and keep the positive thoughts of abundance in my mind!

Keep expressing gratitude for all the things that you have and are going to achieve.By doing this you are sending a powerful signal to the universe to give you more!You can also keep focusing that you are constantly receiving plenty of cash and cheques every week.Please don't worry about how you going to get this.The universe will go this for you,your job is to manifest and when you get right opportunity , you need to take actions.A simple illustration would be , if you keep thinking that you want abundance and within 3 weeks you get a call to do an assignment which will pay you about 300 dollars!Grab the opportunity and say thank you to God/Universe and you will be given more of such some situations!

Example: Keep saying Thank you GOD for settling all the bills;
Thank you GOD for this passion-filled job;
Thank you lord for the car;
Thank you god for giving me the money for my son’s education.

If a shirt costs RM1000, look at the shirt not the money. Thank the person who bought you and keep expressing gratitude,the universe will give you more.

Don't worry about how the money comes! By doing so, you putting a block. So have faith and practice the above.All you need to do is manifest your desire to have abundance and change your thought patterns that you are receiving unlimited amount of money....and your life will change immediately!

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