Thursday, April 23, 2009

Express gratitude.........

Many of us have been taught by our parents that we must thank others for their help or if they give us a gift. How many of us continue to practice what we have been taught since we were a child.Do we express gratitude to all that we have and to all that things that we are going to have?

It is a very a basic teaching that all of us know in our fingertips but we fail to put it to practise.

What is the definition of Gratitude? It means being thankful. If
gratitude is followed at every step of life it will have many benefits, such as

1) It will uplift your mind and way of thinking which is the biggest

2) If u practise living in a state of gratitude all the time, the positive vibrations of gratitude will go out into the universe and will attract even more positive people and events in your life

And remember it is not important what you do. It is important what you are. Being is more important than doing. Does it make any sense?

Remember the focus is more on being rather than doing. If you speak and behave in a particular way but your inner being does not match with it then it will never work.
We must be thankful for every breath that we are taking....For everything good in our life. we must be thankful for the car that we own, the job that we have, the loving husband that we have, thankful to god for our precious baby ........

Even if you dont like a person or you dont like your work........ ...
feel thankful for it because God has given you that situation for a particular
reason.You will find out soon!

Feel thankful for every good and bad thing in your life. In the
beginning it may be some what difficult but with practise you can
feel more and more thankful throughout the day. Do it after waking
up and before going to sleep and do it as many times as you can
throughout the day.

I guarantee you that if u follow it sincerely, you will feel
so good and your life will start changing.My life has changed drastically from the time i have practised the gratitude manthra!

If we complain or beg......... .. it sends negative energy of lack
and restlessness into the universe which attracts even more lack,
struggle and disharmony in our lives. So stop complaining and start
thanking that is what jesus means when he says, "Those who have will
be given more."

It simply means if you have gratitude then you will attract abundance and joy. If you have nothing but complains you will attract more complains and negativity.
Let us express thank you everyday for every single thing that we have, we are going to receive and be thankful for the life, universe, sun, moon, food and all the miracles that we are going to receive.

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